mercoledì 15 ottobre 2008

"If they do not lay down the keel..."

Since I began to cover "Mast'Antonio" e Michele Cafiero's work, I have often been surprised by disenchanted, incredulous or openly skeptical comments about the effectiveness of the "Santa Maria del Lauro", 2008 edition, construction work.
The most often heard comment sounded like "If they have not lay down the keel, the boat is not going to be made", almost always pronounced in sincerely sorry way.

But work went on, sometimes briskly, sometimes lazily, tracing a curve that mirrored Michele and his father's mood, the quality of their relationship and the bad attitude of the Sea, many times arriving to wrestle with the cave's gate, rolling over the remains of the beach, eroded by the modern "harbour".
I could exclude that my photos were delusions, and that Michele's and his father's merry spirit had concocted an elaborate prank. The boat was cominng to life, indeed, under my own eyes, and my own lens.
But what about the keel?

Most of the boatyards begin a boat from the keel, then they build the ribs on it, using wooden half rib models.
This boatyard has little room, it's inside of a cave that's used to shelter and hauling of many kinds of boats. More, Mast'Antonio learnt his job from the old shipwright building barks and barquentines in Alimuri shipyards. Here they do not need to lay down the keel first, for they follow the drawn lines of a real size plan, every part must correspond exactly to the plan, so the part building sequence is unimportant. As soon as the ribs, the stempost and the sternpost will be ready, the keel will be laid down, and then, like overnight, the boat will be seen. perhaps this is going to be Michele and Mast'Antonio's prank...

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